Thursday, March 5, 2009



So we are trucking along! This week has been good week so far! I am trying this sewing thing again...yikes! The boys have had a great week of Homeschool. Bo has had a good week as well. I am very tired. We are doing our best to seek God's face and point the boys to Him. Spencer asked if these babies would die too and we responded the best we know how and said that if one lives we praise God, if two live we praise God, if none live we praise God. Please pray for him as he figures out this thing called life.

We enjoyed a playdate with the Shaws. They have Wilson who is Spencers age and Annie and Zoe who are I believe 3 and almost 2. The girls are here now so Mimi could take the boys to music and hopefully enjoy a few quiet moments.

Bo and I are reprioritizing things now that we are expecting. We do not know what is ahead in the journey, but we do know that we want to bring glory to the One who is laying out the journey!

Lindy for the Oswalts

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